The Dolli at Acropolis
Award-Sieger in der Kategorie Best Hospitality Boutique Hotel

„We are absolutely thrilled and honored to receive the Connoisseur Circle Hospitality Award 2025 for Best Hospitality Boutique Hotel. This recognition is a testament to the passion, dedication, and hard work of our entire team at THE DOLLI® at Acropolis. At THE DOLLI, we strive to provide a unique and intimate experience, where every guest feels like they are part of something truly special. From the moment they walk through our doors, we aim to offer a warm, personalized service that showcases the best of Athenian hospitality. Winning this prestigious award encourages us to continue pushing the boundaries of excellence, ensuring that each guest leaves with cherished memories. We would like to thank the jury and everyone who has supported us on this journey. This award reinforces our commitment to providing exceptional experiences and inspiring moments for our guests. We look forward to celebrating this incredible achievement with you.“
Mary Karassouli, General Manager

Heimlich, still und leise …
. . . hat sich Athen in den letzten Jahren zu einer wahren Luxus(hotel)metropole gewandelt. Gab es 2017 gerade einmal 15 Fünf-Sterne-Häuser in Griechenlands Hauptstadt, sind es inzwischen schon 31! Der absolute Favorit unserer Jury – und Gewinner in der Kategorie „Best Hospitality Boutique Hotel“ heißt „The Dolli at Acropolis“ und befindet sich in einer ehemaligen Privatresidenz im ältesten Teil der Stadt. Aufwändig renoviert, verfügt das Haus heute über 46 exklusive Suiten sowie das wohl spektakulärste Rooftop der Stadt. Aber Vorsicht, wer hoch oben nur Augen für Akropolis, Pantheon und Agora hat, verpasst weiter unten vielleicht die sehenswerte Kunstsammlung von Inhaberin Mari N. Daskalantonaki mit Werken von Pablo Picasso, Jean Cocteau oder Alexander Calder! Sehens- und erlebenswert sind aber auch die eklektischen Interiors, die antike Eleganz und modernes Design scheinbar mühelos miteinander verbinden.
Athens has quietly …
. . . transformed itself into a true luxury (hotel) metropolis in recent years. While there were just 15 five-star hotels in Greece's capital in 2017, there are now 31! The absolute favorite of our jury - and winner in the “Best Hospitality Boutique Hotel” category - is called “The Dolli at Acropolis” and is located in a former private residence in the oldest part of the city. Lavishly renovated, the hotel now has 46 exclusive suites and probably the most spectacular rooftop in the city. But beware, if you only have eyes for the Acropolis, Pantheon and Agora high above, you might miss the art collection of owner Mari N. Daskalantonaki with works by Pablo Picasso, Jean Cocteau and Alexander Calder further down! The eclectic interiors, which seem to effortlessly combine antique elegance and modern design, are also worth seeing and experiencing.