Villa Igiea, a Rocco Forte Hotel
Award-Sieger in der Kategorie Best Hospitality Heritage Hotel

„On behalf of the entire team at Villa Igiea, I am honored and thrilled to accept the esteemed recognition of Best Hospitality Heritage Hotel 2025. Having been meticulously restored to its original grandeur by Rocco Forte Hotels, our iconic, fin-de-siècle seafront hotel has always prided itself on offering an exceptional fusion of rich heritage, timeless elegance, and unparalleled service since its reopening in 2021. This prestigious recognition not only reaffirms our dedication to preserving the unique charm and historical essence of both our property and the enchanting destination of Sicily, but also underscores our commitment to continuous innovation and delivering extraordinary experiences for each of our guests. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our exceptional team, whose professionalism, passion, and tireless dedication have made this achievement possible. This award represents a significant milestone in our journey and reinforces our promise to uphold excellence, deliver heartfelt hospitality, and create unforgettable memories for our guests in the years ahead.“
Achille Di Carlo, General Manager

Es war einmal …
. . . So fangen Märchen an – und manchmal auch Erfolgsgeschichten, wie die von der Villa Igiea. Ende des 19. Jh. als Krankenhaus für Tuberkulosepatienten am Rande von Palermo konzipiert, fiel der fertige Bau so pompös aus, dass man aus dem Hospital schnell das beste Hotel Siziliens machte und ihm den italienischen Namen der griechischen Göttin der Gesundheit verlieh, Igiea. Mehr erinnert in dem prachtvollen Belle-Époque-Palast zwischen Pinien und Palmen aber nicht mehr an den ursprünglichen Errichtungszweck. Erst recht nicht, seitdem die Rocco Forte Hotels übernahmen und die Villa Igiea 2022 komplett renoviert wiedereröffneten. Für das atemberaubende Interior der 72 Zimmer und 28 Suiten zeichnet mit Olga Polizzi wie immer die Schwester von Sir Rocco Forte verantwortlich. Mindestens so schön wie sämtliche Innenbereiche ist aber auch die weitläufige Gartenanlage mit Traumblick über den Golf von Palermo. Highlight hier ist der große Pool mit einem antiken Säulenensemble – so geht „Best Heritage“!
Once upon a time …
. . . that's how fairy tales begin - and sometimes success stories, like that of Villa Igiea. Conceived at the end of the 19th century as a hospital for tuberculosis patients on the outskirts of Palermo, the finished building turned out so grand that the hospital was quickly turned into the best hotel in Sicily and given the Italian name of the Greek goddess of health, Igiea. However, the magnificent Belle Époque palace surrounded by pines and palm trees is no longer a reminder of its original purpose. Especially not since the Rocco Forte Hotels took over and completely renovated Villa Igiea and reopened it in 2022. As always, Olga Polizzi, the sister of Sir Rocco Forte, is responsible for the breathtaking interior of the 72 rooms and 28 suites. The extensive gardens with stunning views over the Gulf of Palermo are at least as beautiful as all the interior areas. The highlight here is the large pool with an antique ensemble of columns - that's “Best Heritage”!